Communication Breakdown

Following my last post in which I worked through various definitions of reliability in networking, it’s time in this post to look at the main protocol contenders, and examine how they measure up to those definitions. Let’s recap quickly with a list. Reliability can mean… Soft delivery guarantees. Hard delivery guarantees. Hard delivery guarantees along the entire path. (This wasn’t mentioned last time, but we’ll get to it.) Strict ordering of packets.

Designing for Reliability

In the past months, I have not written much. I pushed forward with work for the Interpeer Project. But more recently, I also started as a researcher at AnyWi Technologies, joining friends from a past job. There, we participate in public/private resarch projects into next generation commercial drone platforms. While both domains have a multitude of differences between them, one strong overlap exists in the need for reliable and performant networking connections over the public Internet.