New Year, New Website

Happy New Year 2023! Is a new website a good reason for a blog post? Maybe on a slow news day. But we have not been updating you here for a while, so let’s use the change of year for a recap and update. 2022 Recap 2022 has been a very busy year for us. Our R&D focus has shifted from lower level transport protocols to information-centric networking concerns. This rounds out the overall vision of a human-centric ICN stack.

IETF115: Vessel Container Format and Web Centralization

IETF115 in London was our first change to present some of Interpeer’s work to the IETF community – or, more precisely, to it’s sister organization, the Internet Research Task Force. On the 7th, I was invited to the Decentralized Internet Infrastructure Research Group (DINRG) to recap FOSDEM’s talk on web centralization. This was followed on the 8th in the Information-Centric Networking Research Group (ICNRG), where I spoke about the vessel container format.

FOSDEM'22: On the Far Side of REST

February is FOSDEM month. This year, I was able to give a talk on how REST contributes to centralizing the web, and what could be done about that.

FOSSASIA'21: Designing a Human Centric Next Generation Internet

Just as my previous FOSDEM talk, my presentation at FOSSASIA was titled “Designing a Human Centric Next Generation Internet”. Trying to learn from the previous presentation – and having less time, and adding the pressure of a live event – I tried to focus more on a future internet architecture. The benefit of that approach is that it can be done as an analysis of the web’s more-or-less-achieved REST architecture and it’s successes and failures.